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  • 2 x 45 second runs

  • judges will use a 0-100 point scale.

  • The best run score counts for the final ranking position.


Tie-Break for Park 
-The score of the second-highest run decides the tie-break.
-If the tie is not broken, the judges vote to break the tie. Each judge has one vote. The head judge records the voting process and breaks the tie in the final results and rankings.



All riders and ages must wear a helmet in the park competitions





  • 2 x 45 sec runs

  • judges will use a 0-100 point scale.

  • The best run score counts for the final ranking position.


  • Pro Mens,  Womens & Junior Finals

  • 2/3/3 format - 2 runs, 3 best tricks, 3 scores count as below:
    2x 45 second runs, scored 0-100
    3x best trick attempts, scored 0-50
    Total score = best run score + 2 best trick scores
    Maximum score 200


Tie-Break for Street -The score from the best run decides the tie-break -If still tied, judges will be asked to vote on who is first.-In the case of several ties, the judges will be asked again to vote for the second-best, etc.




Riders under the age of 18 must wear a helmet in the street competition

Riders over the age of 18 do not have to wear a helmet.


Makes versus Bails

The head judge is the final decision maker in identifying made tricks versus bailed tricks



Judging Clarification Request

Once competition scores are approved by the head judge and published, they are final and not subject to any appeal.

Riders can request an explanation on judging by emailing following the event. The FRS committee will then review the request at the next monthly meeting and respond by email within 30 days of this meeting.



A rider can request a re-run of the single trick attempt or run performance only when:


- Conditions of the FOP changed dramatically and unexpectedly during the athlete's performance and negatively influenced it (weather)

- Technical conditions on or around the FOP prevented the athlete from completing a full performance (cables and cameras in the way, venue lights went off, concrete of the obstacle chipped out, etc.)

- Third-party interference during the athlete’s performance (security running on FOP, fans jumped in, photographer flashes from a close distance, cameraman etc.)


In the situation described above or alike, a rider must:

- Stop during or immediately after any interference or change of condition occurred,

- Raise their hand and approach the Course Manager to claim the re-run request,

- Describe the incident and request for a new trick attempt or run.


The head judge will decide if the request will be accepted.

Re-runs can be granted right away or deferred at the head judge's discretion.

The head judge's decision will be communicated by the announcer(s).





- Riders can commence their performances only after a course manager's signal.

- For all runs, jam sessions, and individual trick attempts, riders have a 5 second limit to begin after receiving the course manager's signal. If athletes purposefully don't start their performances within this time limit, they may lose the opportunity to be scored.

- The clock is triggered by the timekeeper when the rider places both feet on the scooter deck.

- The timekeeper does not stop the clock under any conditions other than the riders withdrawal. If the performance has to be interrupted for external reasons, the rider will be granted the restart or re-run option.

- A trick will be considered in time and scored only when the maneuver has been in progress before the signal horn marking the performance's end sounds. The head judge is the final decision maker in this process.


The head judge will be applying the following criteria in deciding if a trick is in time:
-riders must pop the scooter before the end of the signal horn.
-riders are approaching a trick and have both wheels in the transition "wall" when the signal horn starts.
The successful or unsuccessful maneuver is counted in the athlete's performance and scored according to the FRS Judging Criteria.


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